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Thread: Is this photo a keeper or one for the trash can?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Is this photo a keeper or one for the trash can?

    Hi All -

    The other morning I took a trip to Horicon Marsh and when I got there, the fog was so thick that I could hardly see anything! So needless to say, many of the early a.m. photos I took need help ...lots of help!

    Here is one that the original photo is unquestionably NOT a keeper! But I thought maybe with some work, it may be saveable! I really like the detail in the tree and where the hawk is sitting. Since I have nothing but time on my hands these days, I thought I would try a few different ways of processing it.

    What do you think? I just thought I'd ask opinions before I delete the original ...are any of these keepers? I'm also up for ideas or other pp techniques. I was thinking maybe a dark eerie approach since it was so foggy and he sort of startled me when I first spotted him!





    Thanks for looking!


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Is this photo a keeper or one for the trash can?

    I like the last one best.

    It is a good strategy to try different filters and special effects on images that are considered non-keepers because detail and noise are less of an issue in these cases.

    Very creative, I like it.

  3. #3
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    Re: Is this photo a keeper or one for the trash can?

    Thanks, Joel! Iliked the last one best also but I thought maybe the 3rd if I lightened up on the blue tinit. This original photo did show above average noise due to the fog so I thought I would go with it and use it as more of a film effect.

  4. #4
    Senior Member nvitalephotography's Avatar
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    Re: Is this photo a keeper or one for the trash can?

    I actually like the look of the first one. It has the feel of a drawing out of an old book to me. I think overall they look cool and got that film look for sure.

    I'd be curious to see the original to see where this photo started.


  5. #5
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    Re: Is this photo a keeper or one for the trash can?

    #2 is my favorite. Definitely a keeper.

  6. #6
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    Re: Is this photo a keeper or one for the trash can?

    Thanks, guys! So far, each has a vote (or two) daughter liked #1 & #3!

    You don't REALLY want to see the original do you? Well, ok ... but prepare yourself's horrendous!


  7. #7
    Senior Member DLS's Avatar
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    Re: Is this photo a keeper or one for the trash can?

    Hi Denise. I like #1 the best, then #4. Those two for me create the most "mood".

    Must have been a fun day!

  8. #8
    Senior Member nvitalephotography's Avatar
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    Re: Is this photo a keeper or one for the trash can?


  9. #9
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Is this photo a keeper or one for the trash can?

    Denise---I agree with the others regarding using the filters to improve the image. Personaly, I like the third one the best. I would also offer the suggestion to try a little pseudo HDR or one shot HDR; sometimes that has away of increasing contrast and detail---but....sometimes it can completely trash a photo---But it might be worth a try. This photo is definitely worth the effort to salvage it.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Re: Is this photo a keeper or one for the trash can?

    Thank you guys for your opinions and suggestions!

    Here is my last attempt on this one ...then I have to decide which to keep! It naturally pulled out the colors from the morning sunrise. My daughter hates this one so maybe I should stick to what I had going! I think #1 is winning on the opinion poll!


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