Since I re-caught the photography bug (I took a hiatus during and shortly after collegebecause I was too poor to pay for film processing!) I have dreamed of owning a 35mm digital SLR. I have gone from P&S to Rebel to XXD and eventuallya 5D.

I currently shoot with a 50D which I think is terrific, but I seriously crave the shallow DoF, low light capability and increased dynamic range that full-frame offers. I love all types of photography but my passions are candid portraiture and landscapes.

*1<sup>st</sup> side note: I do not plan on selling my 50D to help finance this purchase. I will keep it as a backup and for both macro and telephoto work.

Nowfor the reality:Ihave only saved$500for this eventual purchase thus far so even though I am serious about this, it's not happening in 2009. I am hoping it happens in 2010 though [] I usually get a couple of Adorama or B&amp;H gift cards at Christmas and there's always a chance that I will get a bonus at work in January, which now gets split 3 ways (me, wife, college fund for kid).

I'm looking for opinions, suggestions, personal experiences, whatever. The question is: Do I buy a 5D sooner or a 5D Mark II later? I now realize that the title of this thread is a little misleading because I am not really looking to hear why the Mark II is better or what makes them different. I would rather have the Mark II and if I had the money I wouldn't be typing right now [:P] What I am considering is buying the 5D Mark I (currently is going for $1,399.95 Refurbished at B&amp;H) and using it until I could afford to sell it and upgrade to the Mark II. I figure in the time it would take me to save an additional $1,000 (the 5D Mark II is currently going for $2,399.95 Refurbished at Adorama) I could be taking tons of pictures with the Mark I. Say I keep the Mark I for a year or so and sell it for $1,000 then I "rented" it for $400for theyear which sounds pretty darn good to me. What do you think???

**2<sup>nd</sup> side note: I am open to buying either the Mark I or the Mark II used. I'm sure I could pick up the Mark I for $1,000 -$1,200 but I would be happy to pay a couple extra hundred dollars for a factory refurbished model. I haven't seen any good deals on used Mark II's (I guess no one wants to sell one!!!)

Maybe the mega-bank that I work for will reward me for all of the extra effort I put forth this year and I'll have more than enough to just spring for the Mark II right away! Your comments will not be written in vain though for I'm sure that others must have considered this too []