Hi everybody,

I currently own a Rebel XTi. Recently, I bought the Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM lens (the 1.2L seems nice, but way out of my budget !). After a few test shots, I though the lens had a front-focus problem. I tested it with the ruler-on-the-wall technique this morning and found that the lens was indeed front-focussing. I also tested my Sigma 10-20mm DC EX. The 10-20mm also front-focussed.

Suspecting a problem with my camera, I tested the 85mm again, this time with my girlfriend's XSi. The shots were properly focussed.

I do a lot of indoor shots and I sometimes cover shows for my university's newspaper, so I am now wondering if I should send the XTi (which is not under warranty anymore) to Canon to be repaired or sell it and buy a 40D instead (that would fit my needs better I guess).

The XTi front-focus problem is not that bad on slow lenses (like the kit lens), but is exacerbated on fast lenses like the 85mm : a shot focussed at the 15 cm mark on the ruler will yield a shot that is clear around 13.5 cm (1.5 cm = 0.6 in.), so a wide open portrait will not be sharp considering the shallow DOF. The AF accuracy test was done near the 85mm lens MFD (around 90 cm - the 85mm's MFD is 85 cm).

I once sent the XTi to Canon before the warranty ended, because there was a persistant green pixel on the sensor (even on pictures with the lens cap on). The sensor assembly has been replaced.

What should I do ?

Thanks to all !