Hi everyone -

Penny for your thoughts...

I am happy with 2x XTi bodies right now, and a nice collection of mid-level lenses built around my crop-factor bodies.

However, I have a unquenchable gadget-crush on the 1d MkIII, having played around with it in the store at B&H over the last year. I don't need the larger image size (I think) and would really like the fast cyclic rate for action sports and wildlife shots.

But, I travel a lot and am concerned about a) the "packability" of the larger body, b) the lack of built-in flash (another thing to pack separately), and c) carrying the increased bulk of the body w/vertical grip. I do own a battery-grip for the XTIs now, but find myself using it less and less as I get more into candid walkarounds. Will I regret spending the cash on a big bulky body? How about on a non-full-frame-but-full-size body? Or does the frame rate and build quality make up for it all? :-)

Lastly please advise specifically if you have personal experience with this body + the 400 DO. This is my "dream scenario" right now for wildlife and car races.

Cheers- Isaac