I am in Red Lodge MT tonight and Sunday night. Other than at 11k feet elevation on the top of Beartooth..... the wind was blowing and the ambient temp was 40f and for the Florida boy that is frostbite temps.....

Tried to do some pics of the Milky way last night. In short, even the 10 second exposure showed signs of movement of the planet (stars) on my 24mm Art (shooting at f2 hoping to minimize the aberrations in the corners - didn't work).

I do have Sky Adventurer 2i 'in the box' and had promised myself I would take it out and try some pics with it.

Have taken it out and assembled it once, but have never put it to use.

Not sure if I have the clothing to stand in 40f and set up the rig.

Might try it with my full spectrum 5d3 and the 70/200. Thoughts/helpful hints? Will have a couple of nights in the Badlands as well to improve on the effort.
