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Thread: NAPP and Kelby Training merge

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    East Central Illinois

    NAPP and Kelby Training merge

    So NAPP and Kelby Training have become KelbyOne. Now you get the NAPP magazine and website perks along with all of Kelby Training. But there's a cost. KelbyOne membership is $25/mo or $249/yr. My NAPP membership is $99/yr. We'll see how things shake out in the next few months, but I won't be signing up for KelbyOne at that price point. I get full access to through the university, so I don't need Kelby Training.

    Any other NAPP members here?
    Mark - Flickr

  2. #2
    Was a NAPP member til they changed thier website. Since the change the 'Help' desk were you post your question, many posted with no reply! I answered some questions when I saw there were no response and sent an email asking why the help desk weren't relying questions they replied back stating that if you want a question answered submit a question directly and they will reply to you. That is not a way of learning, see other peoples questions and answers goes a long way. Also, I noticed (at the time that Napp is a place to learn) then why pay an annual fee then pay again and again to get extras Photoshop training? That is why I never renewed!
    Your right is a great place and may I add Creative Live to the list. A final note I think kelbyone will be shooting themselves in the foot by charging those prices!
    Canon 5DMII, 30D 17-40 L f/4.0, 24-70L f2.8, 70-200L IS f2.8, 400L f4.0-5.6, 24 tilt shift, 2x 600ex-RT

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