First of all regards to Canon for "Listening" our needs.

I am a full time pro photographer, and I use a lot of Canon and Apple equipment.

I use Canon 1VHS, Canon 5D, 15 fisheye, 16-35 II, 24-70, 70-200 2,8 L IS, 50, 85f1,2II 135f2 L 300 f2,8 IS...Flashes...

One Macbook Pro, Mac pro QC...

So, This Year, I am investing my hard earned money into a new gear (Tool)

1Ds III is on my top wanted list, but...

I would realy like to see 1Ds III N on market!!!


1)<span style="font-weight: normal;"] 1Ds III in its class should implement an "improved" or new display like 5D II has.

2) Personally I must say I am used to selecable 45 points on my 1VHS &amp; 1Ds II,

so Canon... Why there's only 19 on 1 Ds III? In my personal opinion, this was not a progress,

regardless improved accuracy.

WHY? Because I am used to "think" before I "KLIK" the shutter! So "WE" need selectable 45 points.

3) Mpix "WAR" should stop immediatly because there is a HUGE market place for 16,7 Mpix cameras which should be moderatly priced. ( Canon 1Ds III N 16,7 Mpix with 920K display for about 5500 U$D ? )

This Should be all. And Canon...I Will Not by 5D II because of beter display. I am waiting a new Canon 1Ds III "N" "X" or else!