Hi All. Haven't posted for a while....so long in fact that I forgot my password, ha ha. This is only my second post but I am usually on every day soaking up all the wisdom that you all provide. I have been shooting away with my XT350 for a while but have only become serious in the last year or so. Money is tight and I've been wanting to upgrade for a while. I was set on the 50d...then the 60d came out - not impressed really with video or the Kodak Color Charts. I keep salivating over the 5D II every time I see those charts....alas, I do not have the money for that body....yet. But I have found a great deal (or so it seems) on a 5D I - $1400 (Canadian, that is) with a Sigma 28-300 f3.5-6.3. Not keen on the sigma but am on the 5D I. Trouble is, the seller says the body is 3 months old....uh...wasn't the 5D I discontinued some time ago? The 7D is also attractive, mostly for the AF system and resolution. I realize that moving up from the 350 to anything would be an improvement but what do you think?? 5D I or 7D. FPS is not big deal to me (the 350 is also 3 fps as is the 5D so no problem there). Thoughts, suggestions, advice? Thanks in advance.
