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Thread: A Poor Man's short list (help me find the non-Canon gems)!

  1. #1
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    A Poor Man's short list (help me find the non-Canon gems)!

    If you were to suggest one or two inexpensive Canon mount lenses, what would they be? I love my Sigma 70mm macro and my Sigma 85mm. Which the 85mm isn'tinexpensive compared to the Canon 85mm 1.8 but compared to the Canon 85L it is! My Tamron 17-50mm is really nice but if I had to choose only two, the Sigma's win!

    I just wonder if there are other hidden gems out there that are much less expensive compared to some of the Canon lenses.

    I am considering selling my Canon 35L and getting the Sigma 30mm but I have read so many mixed reviews on that lens.

  2. #2
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    Re: A Poor Man's short list (help me find the non-Canon gems)!

    Right after I posted this, I saw Bryan

  3. #3
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: A Poor Man's short list (help me find the non-Canon gems)!

    Just as a side note, I own the Canon 85mm f/1.8, the Canon 50mm f/1.4, and the Sigma 30mm f/1.4. I

  4. #4
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    Re: A Poor Man's short list (help me find the non-Canon gems)!

    That is not a side note, Sean is the main note! I had you in mind the entire time reading the reviews and looking at photos taken online with the 30mm. You are what makes me look very closely at this lens. There are some unfavorable reviews out there for it but then again, there are for almost every lens ever produced!

    I also plan on re-purchasing the 50mm 1.4 and eventually will go back to the Canon 85mm.

    I am just not sure if I will keep my 7d or go to maybe a 5d which of course makes quite a difference in what lenses to choose!

  5. #5
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    Re: A Poor Man's short list (help me find the non-Canon gems)!

    Nikon 55mm f/2.8 with EF adapter, used from for $100.

  6. #6
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: A Poor Man's short list (help me find the non-Canon gems)!

    After purchasing the 50mm and 85mm lenses, I realized that when I was needing a wide aperture, I was typically needing a wider angle of view (shorter focal length) than what those two lenses provided. I tried the Canon 35mm f/2, but was ultimately unhappy with the image quality at the wider apertures. The Sigma has proved the most useful prime in my bag. Of course, it

  7. #7
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Re: A Poor Man's short list (help me find the non-Canon gems)!

    My only experience with a Sigma was bad. It was a 24 - 70 f2.8. It seems that everyone that goes with Sigma seems to have to go through a copy or two to get a good one. I think I remember you doing that with your 85. Bryan has had this issue as well. Once you have tested and gone through a copy or two you seem to have a great copy.


  8. #8
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    Re: A Poor Man's short list (help me find the non-Canon gems)!

    @ Mark - This is very true but I also went thru it on my Canon 135L. So, I guess no company is completely flawless on every lens. I

  9. #9
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    Re: A Poor Man's short list (help me find the non-Canon gems)!

    I still have my first copy of the Sigma 50mm f1.4. It does have a +13 MFA, while the Canon lenses I have don't need more than +5. Also the 5 year warranty is great.

    Anyway about cheap lenses: I looked at the 28mm f2.8 the other day. I thought it was a piece of junk, untill I looked up and saw Bryans ISO-crops. Wow! And it's even a Canon lens! To me it definitely seems like a hidden gem. I never heard of anyone using it...

    And Denise as you say, the Tamron is great, but obviously the primes are much better.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Re: A Poor Man's short list (help me find the non-Canon gems)!

    I still have my first copy of the Sigma 50mm f1.4. It does have a +13 MFA, while the Canon lenses I have don't need more than +5. Also the 5 year warranty is great.

    Anyway about cheap lenses: I looked at the 28mm f2.8 the other day. I thought it was a piece of junk, untill I looked up and saw Bryans ISO-crops. Wow! And it's even a Canon lens! To me it definitely seems like a hidden gem. I never heard of anyone using it...

    And Denise as you say, the Tamron is great, but obviously the primes are much better.

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