Out of curiosity, what photo (or related) blogs do you read, and why? And do you have your own blog?

My list (thank you Google Reader for making these WAY easier to keep track of :P):

- Kelby's blog http://www.scottkelby.com/blog/ - Lots of awesome guest bloggers, PS and Photographer info, and just general knowledge and cool tips/trends

- Joe McNally's blog - http://www.joemcnally.com/blog/ - for obvious reasons :P

- Jeff Ascough's Blog - http://jeffascough.typepad.com/jeff_ascough_blog/ - Go figure, a wedding photog following one of the top B&W wedding photogs on the planet :P (though I don't always agree with everything he says :|)

- Joseph Victor Stefanchik - http://offcameraflash.com/ - Just saw some of his (their, actually, his wife works with him) work one day and really liked it, read some of his blog and found some cool stuff

- Photowalkpro - http://www.revellphotography.com/blog - a great site with lots of resources that I found ages ago, lots of good info in the blog

- Zack Arias - http://www.zarias.com/ - Really down to earth photogapher from Atlanta. He's got some really inspirational stuff on his blog (I dont mean inspirational photos - though he has though too - but he deals with the reality of photography, how unsure you can be about it and yourself, how to get past that, finding the photographer in you, etc etc)

- David Du Chemin - http://www.pixelatedimage.com/blog/ - Humanitarion photog that has some amazing work and who really believes in the ART of photography as much (if not more than) the technical side. He talks alot about finding your style and vision and about creating photos that are about you and your client and not about gadgets and gizmos. This guy kinda snapped me out of a bit of a gear craze that I was going through for a while.... he has some GREAT articles to read... and he's down to earth, I just got his book and plan to take him up on his standing blog offer to buy him a coffee when he's back home to Van so he can sign it for me

Those are the main one's that I have Reader keep it's eyes on for me... there are a few more that I check periodically, but I find that those are the ones that cover everything from the technical to the spiritual the most thoroughly for what I do. Of course I also have dpreview.com and canonrumors.com on the list... oh yeah, and the-digital-picture.com

So share!!! I'm curious who else reads what?

Oh, and btw, I should introduce myself since I for some reason went oldschool winNT and made my user name lculpin instead of Leigh Culpin