Hi All,

Today Philly was on the receiving end of 30'' of fresh powder. Practically nobody could get out, heck my street isn't even getting plowed until tomorrow at noon [:P]

Well, Since there were still some birds (dark-eyed juncos) outside, I makeshift-weatherproofed my camera and 300 f4 using a towel and a LOT of duct tape, built a makeshift "snow-blind), and headed out in the snow! So, making some lemonade (images!!!) from some sour lemons (yeah, 30" of snow [8o|])Here are a few from today: (they aren't nearly as sharp after resizing; how much should I apply??)

both with 7D + 300 f4L IS, f/5.6, 1/250, ISO 320




C&C welcome!