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Thread: Gary Fong Lightsphere Collapsible

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Gary Fong Lightsphere Collapsible

    After witnessing several photographers with this little "gadget" (most recently at a wedding I attended), I succumbed. I've been using the Sto-Fen Omni Bounce with my 580EX II (& 7D) with good results, but of course, always looking at the greener pasture.

    Anyway, I've watched quite a bit of video tutorials, etc. on this Lightsphere product. The common theme is that there doesn't need to be any adjustment to the exposure, just use ETTL. From my experience, it's running a bit hot and see better results at -1/3 to -2/3. I usually shoot on Manual at 1/250 and wide apertures. I've had the ISO set to Auto.

    Anybody else with this experience or is it truly spot on when used "correctly?" What are your normal settings - mode, aperture, speed, ISO? What's an ideal setting for those who use this regularly?

    Thanks in advance!


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Gary Fong Lightsphere Collapsible

    I use a home made version of it, which gives similar or better results. I did notice some over-exposure. ttl thinks you are bouncing off walls for lighting, while the 'lightsphere' is providing some direct light.

    I usually underexposed the flash by 1/3rd to a full stop.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Gary Fong Lightsphere Collapsible

    Hi Roi

    I'm a big fan of the Gary Fong diffusers I had a whale tail reporter until some ***** stole my camera bag from a hotel room buts thats another story. I replaced with the LScollapsable as the smaller WT is discontinued in the uk.

    I generally prefer the WT over the LS but love the more natural light both give over a bare flash, I normally just shootaperture prority andcorrect theAWB in DPP as I get the images looking a little hot as well.

    Most of my best indoor portait pictures have been shot with a GF diffuser [50D & 580EXII] over the sto-fen.

    Hope that helps


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Gary Fong Lightsphere Collapsible

    You know you can also achieve the same effect with a velcro strap and a large white index card attached to your flash set vertically.

    As for settings I use manual, sunlight white balance, iso 100, shutter speed 200 as a base. Then work from there.

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