
I'm not sure which one should I get. I'm using my 5D a little bit more for video than photography. I rearly shoot landscapes. With video F2.8 would help indroos since there are many times I can't use any extra lighting, but I think F4 would be enough outside. Also under 24mm or so, F4 would be enough when you think DOF because there's no need for shallower DOF in that area, but at 35mm it would be nice to have F2.8...

Then you have the money question.. 16-35 is twice as much. But I've been thinking it like this, would I ever buy prime lens under 135mm that is slower than 2.8? No. So if I buy 16-35, I would never think about byuing any other lens under 50mm. At least not in next 5 years or so. But if I buy 17-40, there might come time when I want to buy some faster lens in that range. Also, lets say I want primes for that range and I buy 35mm, 24mm and one under 20mm, all non-L. Those would cost almost the same as 16-35, wouldnt be any faster and wouldn't have same L lens quality. It's way better in that range to have 1 zoom than 3 different primes too.

Other lenses I own and will keep:



I'm not gonna need any other primes under 135mm. I've been thinking about buing some IS zoom lens for video though.

So, what should I get?