I had noticed that my 128 GB SSD card was getting full. I thought it was because of unprocessed photos that I had stored on it, so I've slowly been catching up and processing the photos. In the end, that only accounted for part of the problem. So, I've been going through trying to find what is taking up so much memory. Turns out several GB are Lightroom related.

This has included the following:

  • Old versions of Lightroom. Under the "desktop" there were all of my old versions of Lightroom. I had assumed that the upgrading would have deleted them, as only the most recent version shows up in the control panel under "uninstall," but I found several under "users/.../Desktop." I've now deleted all but the last two.
  • Backup files. I backup Lightroom weekly. Turns out that old backups are all stored. I had 9.9 GB (77 files) under the "backup" folder. I've now deleted all but a handful of the back up files.
  • Previews. 2.2 GB (16,400 files) of Lightroom previews. I haven't decided what I am going to do with those.

It looks like Lightroom requires some maintenance. But, I just freed up ~11 GB on my SSD card.

Now I need to go figure out if I can delete the files under .../windows/winsxs (12.6 GB/57,000 files), .../windows/system32 (3.2 GB/15,000 files), and .../sysWOW64 (1.1 GB/4,600 files). But that will be tomorrow.