Not sure if this discussion belongs here, but it does have a lot to do with image capture.

I have the 100-400 L zoom. I always use the lens plate holder when shooting on a tripod.

When shooting with this lens extended to 400, I always seem to get a little bounce to the lens when releasing the shutter. Even with mirror lockup, the lens wobbles a bit. I shoot with a remote switch when mounted on the tripod, with the rare exception of a timed shot out of the camera.

The tripod I'm using is a mag fiber Manfrotto (055MF4):


I mount the lens on this Manfrotto ballhead. It can handle 11 lbs:


Even if there isn't any wind pushing the lens around, which is another headache, I can't seem to get the lens/system to be absolutely still.

On a recent shoot, I was at the long end of the zoom, and it was a bit windy. Fortunately, I was near a deck that had a railing, so I rested the end of the lens on the top of the railing, with the tripod attached. This worked fine. No movement.

Is there something out there that I should buy, or is there something more I should be doing to prevent this lens movement from happening?