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Thread: Question about a photo shoot.

  1. #1
    Senior Member Dave Johnston's Avatar
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    Dec 2008

    Question about a photo shoot.

    Here's the rub. My wife's very good friend asked for help with an E-session since her assistant (the friend's) is unavailable. Problem is, my wife and I do E-sessions too and are not in the same "company" as our friend.

    We don't really know if this client is paying for the photo shoot. Which they should be, and most likely are, but I don't know what the, shall I say, etiquette is for backing up this photographer/friend.

    Should we demand part of the profit? Should we be like "NEVER EVER!!!!" Something. Help. Bueller?

    Yours, in confusion.

    5D mark III, 50D, 17-40 f4L, 24-70 f2.8L, 70-200 f4L ​IS, 28 f1.8, 50 f1.8, 85 f1.8, 100 f2.8 Macro

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Question about a photo shoot.

    You could approach it that you'll assist this time, in exchange for assistance when you might need their help another time.

    You could approach it that you'll assist for a mild fee, cash on the barrel etc.

    I think percentage of profit gets tricky. I could see it if you were being asked to contribute your creative talents, but I'd think as an assistant you're more "doing what you're told".

    Yours, not knowing if I've helped much.


    We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: Question about a photo shoot.

    This is simple!

    She is a friend of yours, so you should help her. I'm sure she is getting paid for her work, so she should also pay you, at least the same amount of money that she would be paying her assistant. She certainly shouldn't be making more money because her assistant couldn't make it and you volunteer for free.

    Just ask her, "What do you usually pay your assistant? If she seems honest and sincere, then just say, "sure, I could do it for that."

    If your wife couldn't be there to work with you, wouldn't you want her friend to help you out?


  4. #4

    Re: Question about a photo shoot.


    I run into situations when working with the local high school sports teams (which my son plays) in which most parents donate thier time and efforts as part of the boosters. Well, I just bought a 300 2.8L to shoot the games with and we both know that took some serious coin but I'm not asking for payment because I want to get the Senior Portraits.

    While I know this is different than your philosophy for bothour situationsis go with the "good Karma" and trust that "what goes around comes around". Otherwise you're facing the uncomfortable situation with a friend. never may learn something...albeit...maybe how NOT to do it. I say help them out gratis!

    My 1.5 cents!


  5. #5
    Senior Member Dave Johnston's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Question about a photo shoot.

    Thanks everyone. I agree that my wife, in an ideal world, should be getting paid what an assistant would. However, the whole good karma thing has got me thinking. I agree with what has been said and think that she will probably just be there and do "as she is told" to help out a friend. That is what it is all about anyway. This would have been much easier if it wasn't a good friend asking for help.

    Thanks for your quick replies.

    5D mark III, 50D, 17-40 f4L, 24-70 f2.8L, 70-200 f4L ​IS, 28 f1.8, 50 f1.8, 85 f1.8, 100 f2.8 Macro

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