Guys, I know that this subject has been there for quite sometime now. I just called the Canon Service Center regarding this issue. The technicians asked which kind of lenses was I shooting it with. I told them that I shoot with an EF-S kit lens, a couple of EF lenses, a couple of EF "L" lenses, & have access to all "L" lenses. To sum it all up, I said I shoot mostly with "L" lenses!And was really shocked when they told me that the AF capability of the 40D is fully optimized ONLY for EF-S & EF lenses & NOT for "L" lenses! So, I panicked! My 70-200 2.8 L is tack sharp while my 24-70 2.8 L misfocuses at times eventhough the date code is UX...which is a 2009 production. I was adviced to bring the camera body so they can RE-PROGRAM the body to perform accurately with the "L" series lenses.

Is there any truth to this one? Should I send my 24-70 also for re-calibration? Please advice.


My 40D is with the current 1.1.1 firmware.