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Thread: getting sidetracked on a road trip.

  1. #1
    Senior Member nvitalephotography's Avatar
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    getting sidetracked on a road trip.

    So I'm in the process of moving from Florida to California to live there for several months. Long story short the first leg of my journey involved driving from Florida to Michigan. Being the photography addict that I am, I couldn't just drive by smoky mountains national park without driving through and taking a few pictures. My only real goal was to find a couple of waterfalls to photograph. (something I always want to do but very rarely get to)

    Here is my favorite shot of the waterfalls I found:

    f 16, 3.2sec, iso 100, 17mm


    As I was driving through the park, I saw something run across the road, so I pulled over real quick and realized it was a black bear cub. These aren't the best photographs ever(all either blurry or having foliage in the middle the subject), but some of the most exciting and fun shots Ive gotten to take so of course that means sharing a couple of the more acceptable shots with everyone here.

    400mm f 5.6, 1/40, iso 1600


    150mm, f5.0, 1/60, iso 1600


    What I would have given for a few extra stops faster shutter speed. oh well

    thanks for looking

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: getting sidetracked on a road trip.

    Hey Nick,

    That is an awesome waterfall shot! Nice exposure and WB. I love the composition too!

    I also like the Cub shots on the log, especially the first one looking at the camera. 150mm shot of a Mother Bear with her Cubs that sounds too close for my comfort! I'm sure that you realize that black bears have killed for less. [] The young ones are all brave and inquisitive with their heads up looking at the camera in the 1st shot, then notice how their demeanor has changed (head down) when Mamma Bear comes along, almost as if they were doing something that they shouldn't have been doing, like posing for the camera. You're lucky the little one didn't give you away.

    I hope that you stayed really close to your car, because I've heard that Black Bears love to eat big white lenses as an appetizer, right before they eat Photographers for their main course!


  3. #3
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Re: getting sidetracked on a road trip.


    I agree...really like the waterfall shot and the shot of the cub on a log. Great work, and nice detour. Thanks for sharing.


  4. #4
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Re: getting sidetracked on a road trip.

    You still could have pushed you ISO higher than 1600, as you have figured out higher noise levels are much better than a blurred photo. It helps a lot if you shoot in burst and pick out the sharpest one, you could probably get another stop of light like that.

    I really like your shots, especially the cubs! Keep it up.


  5. #5
    Senior Member nvitalephotography's Avatar
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    south florida

    Re: getting sidetracked on a road trip.

    Rich- Yeah they were rather close, What you can

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