Ok.., for all of you Party Animals out there,

I'm not sure how many of you are aware of this, but I think you should check out the videos below and heed the warnings, there are 2 videos on this page link.


Therefore, if you attend a show as an audience member, you shouldtake reasonable precautions not to let a laser beam directly enter your camera lens.
<p align="justify"]You can photograph the beams in midair, or doing graphics on a screen. If you can't see the laser source (projector or bounce mirror) in your viewfinder, this means you're not getting the full beam power into your lens. Indirect viewing like this should not cause damage.
<p align="justify"]Avoid beams which are coming straight into your lens (or bounced off a mirror or other reflective surface). The damage potential is much greater when the entire beam power enters the camera lens.
<p align="justify"]Source: [url="http://blog.planet5d.com/y6x]http://blog.planet5d.com/y6x[/url]
<p align="justify"]
<p align="justify"]Be careful of your eyes too!
<p align="justify"]Rich