I've been following a thread discussion at POTN forums about using a #10 glass filter lens for a welders helmet.

So I decided to experiment with it myself, what the heck, the glass
filter only cost $4.98 at Lowes. I contrstucted a holder to slide
onto the end of my camera lens that allows me to slide the glass filter
in and out. ND filters are great for a lot of things, especially
water falls, the surf zone at the beach and clouds just to name a few. Today I've got a few thin clouds hanging around on
an otherwise sunny afternoon.Went outside and set it up to test it
out and this is what I got.

Not really that interesting, but at
least I know it's potential.Can'twait to get out to the beach with
this to see what I can do.
Oh, And btw, it does take some post processing, otherwise all you will have is a green picture.

ISO 100, f/16, 60 second exposure, on a bright sunny mid-afternoon.

One thing's for sure. I can see that it is time to clean the dust off the sensor again.

The Before Post Processing image