The VP of Marketing for the company I work for, Identity Group, wanted me to photograph our company sign because it was recently updated. He wanted to replace the image found on this page.

The new sign looks quite a bit better than the old sign. However, it's still not an easy thing to photograph well. The problem is that light never hits the face of the sign. That's why every shot we had of the previous sign had an over exposed ambient with a shadowed, lifeless-looking sign. Well, I knew I could do better.

First, I threw a circular polarizer on my 17-55mm f/2.8 IS. Unfortunately, the sun was not positioned 90 degrees from me so its effect was minimal (but noticeable). I used an aperture that let me bring the ambient down a little. Then I used 2 Vivitar 285HVs, full power, shooting at the sign from below to give it some life and character.

I edited the picture I liked in GIMP (as I don't have Photoshop on my work computer). I adjusted the curves, resized, sharpened, and added the border from the previous image. I'm posting the shots at the resolution they are displayed at on the website.

All in all, I'd say it's a positive change. ;-)

old image


new image
