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Thread: Closer up with a wide angle lens

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Closer up with a wide angle lens

    Since getting a new 16-35 f/2.8L II I have been reading about the
    closer up potential with such a lens. Normally I will be using this lens
    for indoor weddings but I decided to take a few shots closer up and get
    critiqued by TDP forum addicts (you know who you are, lol).

    #1 EXIF Data: 5D, 1/60sec, f/14, 100 ISO, 18mm f/l


    #2 EXIF Data: 5D, hand held, 0.5sec, f/2.8, 100 ISO, 35mm


    It's been fun so far. Let me know what you think.


  2. #2
    Senior Member bouwy's Avatar
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    Re: Closer up with a wide angle lens

    Hi Tom

    I'm not a critique, far from it. Love pic #2. I envy you that you are able to shoot this pic hand held #2 EXIF Data: 5D, hand held, 0.5sec, f/2.8, 100 ISO, 35mm.

    It seems that your are very happy with your new lens. I'm thinking of getting one, to use it with my 5D. Look forward to more pic's. Wally
    Wally Bouw Flickr Vimeo

  3. #3
    Senior Member doggiedoc's Avatar
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    Re: Closer up with a wide angle lens

    Looks Great Tom! I have the same lens and it is one of my favorites!

  4. #4
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    Re: Closer up with a wide angle lens

    Ah common. Two responses? That's it? Nothing from Neuro, Sean Setters, Bob Williams, Sheiky, Daniel Browning, or Denise? How sad!

  5. #5
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Closer up with a wide angle lens

    Hi Tom,

    Sorry - weekend is family time, and this morning was, too - I spent it out picking apples and taking a hayride with my wife and daughter. Saw your post on Sunday (from my iPhone, where as a recent thread discussed, I can read but not respond). Loved the hay bales shot - great exposure and nice composition. The kitty is cute, I may have cropped differently, but the close-up wide angle distortion works in your favor in the shot! I like!


  6. #6
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    Re: Closer up with a wide angle lens

    I apologize for not responding sooner! [] Been busy going thru so many photos of my own recently and trying out a few different pp techniques and of course our on and off again 503 errors.

    After viewing your photos at work today (can view but can't respond unless on lunchbreak), you did have me taking a closer look at this lens. That's how much I really like the results you obtained with both photos! The color &detail in both photos is amazing! Did you do much post-processing?

    This really looks like a fun lens! I've been thinking of making a few changes with some of my lenses but I'm waiting to see what Canon comes out with.


  7. #7
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: Closer up with a wide angle lens

    Wow, I just got called out.

    Seriously, though, I like the kitty picture. I've often had fun shooting closeups with a wide-angle lens (I'm fond of the distortion under certain circumstances).

    Speaking of shooting, I did quite a bit of it this weekend--three separate shoots, in fact. I've posted a few from my first session on flickr (and some are proving very popular). The other sessions are to come.

  8. #8
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    Re: Closer up with a wide angle lens

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Wertman

    Ah common. Two responses? That's it? Nothing from Neuro, Sean Setters, Bob Williams, Sheiky, Daniel Browning, or Denise? How sad!

    <div>Wow 2're one patient guy [:P] Nah you're right...I will admit that I'm one of the TDP addicts [A] Unfortunately it's not the only thing I do...</div>

    Anyway I saw your post yesterday, but at the time I was about to write something my camera was ready with importing and I wanted to check the photos of saturdays family-reunion/granny's birthday [] And believe it or not I did not even turn the PC on last sunday[8-|]At least not that I remember [:P]
    <div>Right, but here's what I thought yesterday:</div>
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Wertman
    #1 EXIF Data: 5D, 1/60sec, f/14, 100 ISO, 18mm f/l

    Very nice shot. I like the lighting although a little bit of fill wouldn't be too bad especially in the most outside haystacks(is that the proper word?). Also I was amazed about the little distortions. I assume you used some lens-correction? Or is 18mm distortion noticeably less than 16mm?

    The one thing that disturbs me a bit though is the branch behind the haystacks exactly in the centre of the image. For some reason it gets my attention and I doubt that will be your idea. Perhaps it are the clouds pointing towards it. Also you seem to have some sensor dust []

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Wertman
    #2 EXIF Data: 5D, hand held, 0.5sec, f/2.8, 100 ISO, 35mm

    I'm not a cat-man so I won't tell you it looks adorable or something, but it's a nice portrait. I can't believe you shot it hand-held at only half a second. Very nice since it looks "sharp" at this size. Was it an intentional slow shot? Training steady hands? []

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Wertman
    It's been fun so far.

    Well you can tell, these shots look great! Take my comments with a bit of were practically begging for it [A]

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    After viewing your photos at work today (can view but can't respond unless on lunchbreak), you did have me taking a closer look at this lens. That's how much I really like the results you obtained with both photos!

    I agree with you Denise, however you must keep in mind that these shots were shot on a full-frame camera. Your 17-55 f2.8 could make the same shot on your 7D. Unless you absolutely needed the 1mm extra wide-angle or weathersealing it wouldn't make a lot of sense to put your money to this lens. Unless you're planning on full frame of course...


    Ps: Tom...I will read and reply to your PM the second after I push the "Post" button []

  9. #9
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    Re: Closer up with a wide angle lens

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    Wow 2're one patient guy

    Sorry didn't mean to be pushy. Thanks for the response everyone. [] There is a method to my madness. Since I often feel two dimensional with my shooting (weddings and hockey) and see some of the creative things other people do, I feel the need to push my self a bit. 95% of wedding shots are the static ones that everyone wants, the other 5% I try to get more creative with. With hockey its pretty much stopping the action so parents can enjoy seeing their kid playing. And I'm just hoping something cool happens. But its not the NHL[]So getting a chance to try something new I was eager to get some feedback.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    The one thing that disturbs me a bit though is the branch behind the haystacks exactly in the centre of the image.

    Bugged me too but not as much as rolling those hay stacks would have.[]

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    Was it an intentional slow shot? Training steady hands?

    No just a tough cat to capture. I was actually walking in the house with camera in hand when I saw him relaxing (rarely) at the top of the steps. So I crept up slowly and knowing he was in a dark spot did the best I could before he bolted. I was sitting on a lower step so I was able to rest my left elbow on the next higher step which help steady the shot. Free handed I doubt it would have turned out this sharp. Originally he was not centered but I cropped out a bad spot on the molding.

    Only post processing I did on the cat was to remove color cast in PS. For the hay stacks I blued up the sky using a blue filter in PS and bumped the contrast a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    Your 17-55 f2.8 could make the same shot on your 7D.

    Not sure about that one. FOV and aperture yes. 5D excels in low light conditions (that other 5% for weddings). I don't own a 7D so I would have to rely on those who do for their opinions.

    Whew! That is my longest post to date. Good thing I am home under the weather today or I may not have been able to do it.

    Thanks everyone, Tom

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Re: Closer up with a wide angle lens

    Hi Tom,

    Congrats on the new lens!

    I'll be honest with you, I don't like the first shot that much? It appears a little soft. I would try a slightly wider aperture like f/8 and a slightly faster shutter speed like 1/125sec. I would also think the hay bails are supposed to be the focal point of the shot, however the sky and clouds are overwhelming the shot, but I don't think the sky is carrying the shot, because the blue sky is a little washed out. The green bush in the middle of the shot is a little distracting too. I would also like to see a little more of the green grass. Maybe the shot would work better from a lower perspective, instead of standing. Perhaps 5 or 6 hay bails in the shot at 20-24mm would work well? The 2 hay bails on either end don't really add that much more to the shot.

    The bottom corner hay bails are a little too dark, perhaps a bit of vignetting in the upper corners too? The bottom corners and right bush look underexposed and the center clouds and bush look a little overexposed. This may be due to the metering or light fall off. I think evaluative metering may be better than spot metering in this situation. I think thisshot would work well in HDR too, although I don't do that sort of thing. I would love to learn though.

    I think it's a great scene and I would try and go back if possible and try again. Sorry, about the harsh critique but I was hoping that you would appreciate me going out on a limb here, but it's all just an opinion anyway. It's also a new lens and it will take some getting used too. Wide angle on FF is probably the hardest thing to shoot well, because there is just so much in the frame.

    I love the kitty shot though! See.., I'm not all that bad. I think cats are some of the hardest subjects to shoot!


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