Hello all,

I'm going to be traveling across the Great White North (Canada) for five weeks this coming winter. All the way from St. John to Vancouver. According to the Farmer's Almanac, the weather is going to be hovering around 15 degrees fahrenheit the entire trip (and I do expect a lot of snow). I'm shooting with a 7D, but currently only own one weather sealed lens (the new 100mm macro). I'm generally out shooting with either the 17-55 2.8 or my Tokina 11-16 2.8 What I'd like to ask here, is do any of you shoot with non weather sealed lenses out in the snow? Am I just asking for problems by walking around with my 17-55? While I'm not really in the position to drop a lot of money over the next two months, would you recommend that I pick up another lens for this trip? If so, what lens? The only lens that I am currently lusting for is the new 70-200, but not very practical if it's the only lens I can use.

Thanks (in advance) for any comments or suggestions.