PP is a necessary part of our work flow and we all want our images to "POP", so I thought we could share some simple ways we go about achieving this. Here are some quick and dirty tricks that I have come up with while fiddling around in Photoshop. Forgive me if these are already well known techniques - I'm no boffin (tech geek). Please add some of your own.

Technique 1:
  • Create an Exposure Adjustment layer
  • Drop the Offset to about -0.0026 (more if needed)
  • Raise the Exposure slightly but usually this is not required
  • Done

Simple. Toggle this layer on and off to see a slight pop and increase in contrast. Good for hazy images.

Technique 2:
  • Create a Black and White Adjustment layer
  • Find a filter style you like such as Infrared
  • Set the Blend Mode to Overlay
  • Adjust the layer opacity to about 15% (just a guide)
  • Done

Toggle this layer on and off to see some contrast pop.

Remember 'Less is More', don't over do it. Find what looks good then back-off just a touch. I'm the worst offender when it comes to over-baking an image [:P]