I just purchased a new Canon EF-85mm f/1.2L II.

For those of you unfamiliar with this lens, it's a wide aperture, low light, portrait lens without IS that has a wonderfully thin DOF and beautiful bokeh, due to its wide aperture.

I thought I would also be able to use this lens as an Indoor Sports Lens for Basketball and Volleyball, but I don't think that will be the case due to it's slow Autofocus and slow Manual Electronic Focus. Perhaps it would work if you pre-focus to a particular area and then fire away. I was aware of this before I bought it, however I didn't realize that it would be this slow. I'm also thinking of buying an EF-135mm f/2L for the up and coming indoor sports season.

I took a few test shots and the color and contrast seems great. Outside you have to stop down a bit in order to avoid chromatic aberration in bright sunlight.

Anyone have any pointers regarding this lens in general, or especially in bright light outdoors in order to avoid chromatic aberration. I realize that if I stop down it improves, but if you want to get that beautiful bokeh and thin DOF, it seems to be counter productive. I also put a B&W MRC UV filter on it. I did buy it as an indoor lens, but I was just curious what everyone else was doing.

