Okay.. SO I'm shooting a wedding on the 1st. To my extreme excitement, a local shop has the 70-200 f/2.8L IS II for rent for only $35 a day. I went down to the shop today and put it on my body to see for myself why everyone is so in love with this lens. Now I think there may be an issue with my camera.

I have had a my suspicionsabout this issue for a while now, only now it has become very evident.. I really don't believe my camera should have this much noise at such a low ISO. (ISO 200 in the example shots.) Am I off my rocker or is there something wrong here?


Now, I realize that this site only allows relatively small uploads, so here's another without changing image size, only changed the canvas size to 550 pix.


This is a fairly accurate representation of what I'm looking at. Image is straight from the camera. Does this look.. off to anyone??

Sigh, I hope I don't have to deal with Canon on this one. But luckily my body is still under warranty.