I've been searching on the web for an answer and I've been unsuccessful....maybe someone here has a technique, either in capture or post processing, that will improve the photo's clarity when cropped and enlarged? I understand there will be degradation w/this process.

My question; how to get improved detail quality on shots over 150-175 (500 meters) yards w/either of my techniques? Tough distance to "fill the frame". [:P]

My equipment; 40D, 100-400IS, monopod or tripod, remote release, CS3.

Settings; AV, TV, M , spot metering, AI focus, High Speed continuous, Center focus zone, RAW.

Technique; using the Tripod I will use Live View (10x) and try to fine tune the focus if needed and shoot in Live View. Using the Monopod I rely on the AF (when will IS be incorporated in Live View? [] ). In both cases I use the remote release to shoot single shots and HS continuous.

Processing; usual suspects for me are the noise and unsharpen filters, luminosity, contrast which I believe help. Other technique suggestions? Also, I consider myself a novice in CS3, so a detailed answer will help me in processing.

I tried putting examples of both samples here but the larger versions won't fit and the smaller just doesn't work. Here is a link to photobucket (pics labeled 400mm and enlarged) containing the samples if you would like a visual. These photos were taken w/the monopod.


I know stalking your prey is also an option, but (as in the yesterday's case) my subjects were surrounded by water and Great Blue Herons are very sensitive to human intrusion....so skulking wasn't an option.

Also, I understand buying a longer lens would help immensely, but I'm retired and the $5800 for the 500mm is more than I payed for my new '74 TR-6.....marital bliss is a higher priority at this point in my life. []

Thank you in advance for any suggestions...

