Okay, I give! You guys have me talked in to buying a 17-55 and I didn't even know I wanted one Actually, it's mostly Jan's fault and John helped seal the deal. I've been trying to get a shot of a certain waterfall framed up portrait style. The problem I found now is my 28-75mm Tamron won't open up enough on my 1.6 crop to get everything. I've only got a couple questions first before I pull the trigger. I know it's plastic (which sucks for the ten hundred dollars it costs) and not sealed as other more expensive ones are, but will it do okay in terms of a mist being blown toward the front of the lens? I know about the vent holes and will prolly put a filter on the front anyway. I don't plan on dunkin' it in the pool. I wasn't for sure how much moisture is bad for it and where it would leak into from.
The other is about the EF-S part. I seriously doubt buying a FF in the next two years, although when I do, this will be useless to a point. Should I instead buy a used 5D (about the same price) which would make my 28-75mm closer to a 17mm andthat gives mea back-up camera? The only reason I bring up fullframe is I'm trying to also take pictures of kitchens that usually only have windows as a light source. My thinking is bigger sensor=more light at a usable ISO. I'm guessing my newer 7D will be as good as an older 5D and that I should just grow a pair and press the BUY button. Anything I'm forgetting...other than where to send neuroanatomist's commission check?
I almost forgot, why do they give full frame values to EF-S lenses? They can't be used on them, and people who buy them usuallyput them on 1.6 crop bodies. Just thinking.