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Thread: ISO noise rebel series vs d series

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    ISO noise rebel series vs d series

    Just looking for some opinions on ISO noise differencebetween the rebel series and the d series (ie 40d-50d).

    Looking atsome of the tests I am not seeing muchof a differencein high iso (1600) range. Any real life expierence out there between the two?

    I currently usethe XSI and am forced to shoot at1600 due to lighting conditions and need for stop action. I was wondering if I would see much of adifference in noise/ quality if I were to upgrade to a 50d?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Vancouver, Washington, USA

    Re: ISO noise rebel series vs d series

    Quote Originally Posted by db42857
    Looking atsome of the tests I am not seeing muchof a differencein high iso (1600) range. Any real life expierence out there between the two?

    There is not much difference. Sometimes the Rebel series has slightly less noise. The 7D, on the other hand, has quite a significant improvement.

    Quote Originally Posted by db42857
    I currently usethe XSI and am forced to shoot at1600 due to lighting conditions and need for stop action. I was wondering if I would see much of adifference in noise/ quality if I were to upgrade to a 50d?

    No, the 50D has about the same level of noise. Hopefully the 550D or 60D will have the same sensor and noise as the 7D. Then you can upgrade and get a real significant improvement.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Re: ISO noise rebel series vs d series

    I wasn't sure if I was seeing those test results correctly, but I also seemed to see that the rebels had about the same or less noise. Thanks for your thoughts.

  4. #4
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    Re: ISO noise rebel series vs d series

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning

    There is not much difference. Sometimes the Rebel series has slightly less noise. The 7D, on the other hand, has quite a significant improvement.

    Could you point me/us to an example where this is visible?

    I'm asking because I have been looking at the images on Bryan's 7D review page here, in particular of the "KODAK Color Control Patches", and to me the 7D looks about as good (bad) as the 50D/500D (AFAIK this pair has the same 15 MP sensor), whereas the 5DII performs visibly better -- seems that I'd be comfortable using a 5DII at 1600 where I now only use up to 800 on my 500D...

    Thanks, Colin

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Vancouver, Washington, USA

    Re: ISO noise rebel series vs d series

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin500
    on Bryan's 7D review page here, in particular of the "KODAK Color Control Patches", and to me the 7D looks about as good (bad) as the 50D/500D

    That's not what I see when I look at them.

    I suggest clicking the links and doing an A/B comparison in different browser tabs to really see how much better the 7D is. It's quite an improvement, IMHO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin500
    ), whereas the 5DII performs visibly better -- seems that I'd be comfortable using a 5DII at 1600 where I now only use up to 800 on my 500D...

    Yes, I agree that the 5D2 performs better than the 7D (when both are at the same f-number and ISO).

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: ISO noise rebel series vs d series

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin500
    on Bryan's 7D review page here, in particular of the "KODAK Color Control Patches", and to me the 7D looks about as good (bad) as the 50D/500D

    I suggest clicking the links and doing an A/B comparison in different browser tabs to really see how much better the 7D is. It's quite an improvement, IMHO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin500
    ), whereas the 5DII performs visibly better -- seems that I'd be comfortable using a 5DII at 1600 where I now only use up to 800 on my 500D...

    Yes, I agree that the 5D2 performs better than the 7D (when both are at the same f-number and ISO).

    Right, I can see what you mean now -- because the direct A/B-comparison does help see the differences better, and because I now also looked at the 6400 and 3200 images closely, rather than just the 1600; at 1600 the differences are still much less pronounced. (I had originally only looked at 1600 closely because everything above seemed too terrible to be of any practical use.)

    Seems that the 7D high ISO quality sits squarely between the 50D and the 5DII. Not bad for the sensor size.

    Thanks again; I really appreciate your patience with what must be answering the same questions from different beginners all the time...


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