Hi everyone,

first of all, I am quite new to digital photography with DSLRs so my equipment
is not that evolved and wide scaled.

Currently I am shooting for 1-2 years with my 450D and the standard kit lens (18-55mm).
But there more I shoot and get into photography techniques the more I get
to the limit of my current equipment.

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So now I was thinking to invest some money into better equipment.
But I don't really know where to start at first hand.

I already spent hours on this website reading the Canon Lens recommendations and other tips.

And since I love to travel and basically shoot anything especially landscape, nature, cities, people, small things
I am definitely getting a variety of lenses sooner or later. But to start with I am thinking of the:

- Canon EF 24-105mm 1:4L IS USM

So I can cover a lot of what I want to shoot.

Now the Problem is: I only have a 450D body which sometimes already bothers me when I try to shoot in darker areas,
without a tripod. The built-in Flash turns every person into a zombie and the ISO range is very limited.
So I often end up with blurry pictures.

So this is my second thought:

Should I better get a decent camera body first? And if so, should I go for the 60D or the 7D?
Or maybe wait until the 5Dm3 comes out to get a full format sensor right away?

But on the other hand my budget is limited and it would be ridiculous to shoot with such a camera
and my old kit lens ...

So you get my dilemma [^o)]

It would be really kind of you if you could give a beginner some recommendations!
What would you do first? And if I should go for a lens first, which camera body would
you recommend as a second purchase?

Thanks a lot !
