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Thread: which set up is better?

  1. #1

    which set up is better?

    Hi everyone! just want to ask which set up would be better? Shooting outdoors & indoor.

    A. 10-22, 15-85 & 70-200 f4 USM

    B. 10-22 & 17-55 f2.8

    C. 10-22 & 24-105

    Thanks everyone!

  2. #2
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: which set up is better?

    Depends on whether or not you'll be using a flash. I went to an aquarium today, and f/4 would not have been enough to stop the movement of my daughter or the fish - without flash, even pushing the ISO to 1600, I needed the extra stop of f/2.8 with the 17-55mm.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: which set up is better?

    A - no doubt.

  4. #4

    Re: which set up is better?

    thanks guys! i actually have a cropped frame body (500D) with 430EX II & 50mm f1.8 so i would really appreciate all the suggestions especially for those who have this lenses specificallythe 24-105 & 70-200 f4. i'm shooting indoors & outdoors mainly. thanks again!

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Re: which set up is better?

    70-200 is really a superb lens! quality is simply awesome, real sharp, great colors and contrast. That's for outdoors at least and with decent light. Also the build quality is very rugged. The lack of IS and "only" f4 can limit your photos indoors. Without a tripod or flash you need at least 1/200 of a second to shoot sharp photos without movement. But yes it is one great lens for a great price.

    24-105 I don't have. For your camera I would suggest the 17-55 f2.8 IS, which is also a great lens. Real sharp and the image quality is just as good as my L lens. And the constant max aperture of f2.8 makes it ideal for indoors and lower lightsituations

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Re: which set up is better?

    I would suggest B. with time add the 70-200. I prefer the 17-55 f/2.8 for low light and it is a very good, if not the best general purpose lens for your camera or any 1.6 crop camera. The 10-22 would cover indoor or outdoor wide angle need.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Re: which set up is better?

    I would go with A for sure. A lot more overlap and coverage.

  8. #8

    Re: which set up is better?

    Thanks everyone! I hope I'll get more replies to help me to decide what lens to go gor. I personally like to get my first L lens so at the moment I'm deciding whether to go for the 24-105 ( which has IS & USM...a bit cheper as well...more reach) or the 24-70 ( I like the constant f2.8 aperture...but this would be budget permitting). So, I'm wondering what are your thougths about this?

    A. 10-22, 15-85 & 70-200 f4 L USM (might be IS or NON IS version)

    B. 10-22 & 24-105 f4 IS USM

    C. 10-22 & 24-70 f2.8

    Thanks everyone!

  9. #9

    Re: which set up is better?

    Quote Originally Posted by cxr
    C. 10-22 & 24-70 f2.8

    I have the exact same set up as this one. I definitely vote for this. f2.8 really helps a lot in low light situations (more than IS for moving subjects). I'm not so sure you'll miss the 71-105 end of 24-105 when using 24-70, you can always foot zoom in most applications.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Re: which set up is better?

    I have the "C" setup and i love it ! the 24-70 is really sharp, down side of it is that is heavy and is a bit big for me for travel. I use my 10-22 and a 17-40 when i travel but I have been thinking of selling the 17-40 to get the 17-55 because of the f4.0 limits me at low light...

    In other words, i know is a hard decision because like you I also have a cropped body and I have to think twice when buying lenses.

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