Hi Community,

I have it: the L-Fever.

My equipment includes quite a few primes (24, 35, 50, 85, 100, 135) and just some zooms (16-35, 24-105, 70-200, 70-300).

Now I got a wildcard as next lense approved by my wife :-) but I am really struggeling to cometo an decision. The following ideas are in my mind and I would like to hear your thoughts on those (disregard the price tag as I got a 'wildcard' ;-) )
1. 14 mm. That would mean I would sell the 16-35. But at the end I am quite happy with the zoom as it is fast and the iq is also great
2. 200 2.0 L. No doubt an improvement to my 70-200 2.8 II but than again I think a 300er or 400er would improve my equipment even more
3. 300 2.8 II, Would be much faster than my 70-300 and the IQ is better. What I like about it: It is handholdable. But for what would I use this prime? Sports no doubt and Wildlife. For both you can't have enough focal length in my opinion. So wouldn't be the 400er the better choice?
4. 400 2.8 II, great lense, Perfect for sports and wildlife. You could use it with a 1.4 or without. But the weight? Is this lense going to be so inconvinient that I would avoid using it? You have to take into account that I am not a pro and I love traveling without a tripod.

I look forward to your thoughts!
