OK... long time lurker, first time poster (be gentle)...

I've been following the posts about exposure, ETTR, uniWB (never heard of that till 2 weeks ago!) with some interest and thought I'd see if I could give this a go... but I can't find a guide for numpties/newbies that bootstraps you...

What I have to work with : 400D, 18-55IS (kit lens from a 450D), DPP and Photoshop Elements 2! So my computer equipment is limited...

This is what I have done so far, what have I missed, what should be I be looking for...

  1. Took a shot of my lens cap, set that as the WB.
  2. Took lens cap off(!). Took a picture. It was all green in on the preview.
  3. Reviewed the picture in camera with the RGB histogram.
  4. Checked that none of the channels were clipping to the right, increased exposure, took picture
  5. Iterated till clipping, took one step back.
  6. Clicked away like a mad loon (sorry, carefully considered my composition and took a perfect shot)
  7. In DPP opened the picture(s) and set the WB using temperature (5000k) ... should I have taken a picture of something white before step 6 to help set the WB?
  8. Adjusted the brightness down, pulling the histogram away from the right.
  9. Saved out as jpeg 10 quality
  10. What now...?

<div>I took a couple of autowb shots of the same scene and the one produced above seem better... what should I expect to see? The shots should have less noise? The shot should be sharper? In PSE(2) how far should I zoom in check the shots and what should I be doing (levels, pulling the mid point back?)</div>