Hi all,

I was wondering if I could get some opinions from all of you. My current "kit" is primarily the EFS 15-85 and EF 100-400L. I really enjoy both of those lenses. But listening to many of you comment about the EFS 17-55 f/2.8, I have wondered. This morning I checked out the sale at Lensrentals.com andthe EFS 17-55 f/2.8 is availablefor ~$700. A great deal, but I am not sure I should make the jump.Iwould see the 17-55as my third lens, low light general purpose, but not replacing the 15-85 as I don't want to give up the 55-85 focal length rangewith my next lens starts at 100 mm. I had planned on my next purchases to be a flash and either the 85 mm f/1.8 or 100 mm macro (either L or non-L). But I am tempted by this deal.

Any thoughts or opinions? Right now I am slightly leaning towards "no"....but I came as close as having it in my "shopping cart" about 20 minutes ago.

Thank you in advance, and again, Happy Thanksgiving.
