
Rather than hijack the thread this came from, I thought I'd start a new one.

Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
When it comes to sensors, the disparity between Canon and Sony has grown so large that it's embarrassing. Unless Canon is about to come out with a huge leap forward, they really should just close down their entire sensor development operation and start buying Sony sensors like everyone else (Nikon). The Sony models from several years ago are still several orders of magnitude better then Canon's newest.

Wow. I guess it's back into the trash with the 5DII. []Are you talking about read noise, Daniel? I know Sony sensors have much higher dynamic range (I thought because read noise is lower) and better super-high ISO performance (again, due to read noise). I would have thought sensitivity was close (within a stop rather than "several orders of magnitude", which I interpret to mean several stops.)

Can you elaborate? Again, I knew Sony was ahead in some ways, but I'm surprised by the force of this statement.

When I bought the 5DII, I was convinced that the alpha had far worse sensitivity than the 5DII, and maybe that was true then (or maybe I was mistaken). Amazing that things can change so fast.
