so i'm having difficulty making up my mind. i know everyone says better glass is the way to go, but i'm thinking of upgrading the body first. i love to shoot sports and am slowly working my way into paid gigs for shooting weddings and take care of the photography needs of my local church. i'm considering the 5D mkII or the yet to be released 60D depending on price and how patient i am saving money for this. here's my logic (opinions very much welcome) i can't afford to go buy a whole set of L lenses but i figure if i want to for the paid stuff i can rent top of the line equipment as its needed depending on the situation i.e. for a wedding or for my own wants such as significant sporting events. i'm thinking the HD video would be a nice asset for a wedding photographer to offer. so that you don't think i'm completely insane i do plan on upgrading my lens line-up when possible. i currently shoot a Rebel XTi with an 18-55 IS, a 50 1.8 and a 75-300mm. nothing special by any means but it covers the focal range and is satisfactory for my own stuff at the moment. let's hear what you think!