havent been on in a bit, too much work and not enough play lately.....caught 3 different WW II bombers in flight this weekend, all 3 owned by the Canadian Warplane Heritage out of hamilton ontario canada. in all i took 400 shots, but these are 3 shots that i really love. all were shot with my XSi and 100-400 lens, with a hoya C-pol filter. i havent shot planes of any type in a long time....since i was shooting film on my eos 650, so i am a little rusty, so please be gentle to me.......lol

Lancaster bomber, one of only 2 airworthy in the world, shot at 1/250 sec, f/9, iso200 at 190mm focal length.........yeah, he was right bloody low

PBY Canso, shot at 1/250, f/8, iso 200, at 170mm.....yep, he was low too......lol

B-25 mitchell, shot at 1/250, f/10, iso200, at 250mm......not as low as the other guys, but, man, can a B-25 move. care to count the .50's on this guy??

thanks for comments and suggestion as always
