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Thread: In Praise of CPS

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Chesapeake Virginia

    In Praise of CPS

    I heart CPS. Ive been a member for about 4 months now and have already recieved my moneys worth. Should you qualify its definatly worth the $100 for the Gold membership. Alas I do not qualify for the Platninum level.

    Examples: I got a 400 2.8 rental for a 10 days, free. It shipped from the local Canon house in Newport News, VA. This was worth the $100 membership alone as renting from Lens Rentals or such would cost much more.

    2 Clean and Check Vouchers: I get 2 vouchers per year with free shipping. I am sending my 300 f4 in soon and will be doing the same for my 1D2 when the season dies down a bit.

    The camera strap just plain rocks, you also get a monopod cover, but I don't use them.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: In Praise of CPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Ehcalum
    I heart CPS

    Do you mean "love CPS"?

    Help me out here. What is CPS?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Chesapeake Virginia

    Re: In Praise of CPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Lee

    Quote Originally Posted by Ehcalum
    I heart CPS

    Do you mean "love CPS"?
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>


    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Lee

    Quote Originally Posted by Ehcalum
    I heart CPS

    Help me out here. What is CPS?
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    CPS = Canon Professional Services.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: In Praise of CPS

    [H]... Cool!

    You know your right down the road from me. (you should update you bio) I'm in Williamsburg. I never knew the Canon plant in OysterPoint (NN, VA) had anything to do with optics. I havea friend that works in the engineering dept. They do imaging like copiers, printers, etc. I wonder if they have camera bodiesthere as well. It'll give me a reason to bug him. I haven't seen him in years.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Chesapeake Virginia

    Re: In Praise of CPS

    Actually, I live in Chesapeake, but still close. I never new the Canon there did optics either, but lo and behold my shipping label said it came from that facility. Still have to send gear to NJ for repairs and cleaning though. If they have a CPS branch there, I would assume they have loaner bodies as well.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Re: In Praise of CPS

    I'm a gold member as well, I joined solely for the cleaning and repair perks - I had a spell there for a good while. Love the repair center turn around perk.

    For the rentals do we just inquire with the local CPS reps forour area or did you call CanonCPSdirect, I never remember to look into gear rentals for events. I've blown a fair bit on supertele rentals this past year.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Chesapeake Virginia

    Re: In Praise of CPS

    On your My CPS page, there is a link to contacts for rentals. I simply emailed them with what I wanted, when I needed it and for how long, included my CPS number. Caution though, it cost me just shy of $100 bucks to send the 400 2.8 back to the Hampton center, they don't have drop off service. Drat.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Re: In Praise of CPS

    I haven't been to the homepage in some time, did they cover the shipment to you? Covering the return shipping is still a deal!!

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Chesapeake Virginia

    Re: In Praise of CPS

    Shipping to you is provided, Fed-ex 2 day service I think. Return shipping is what every you want, what kills you is the Insurance. There are 2 prices on the sheet, one is the full value (11 grand for the 400 2.8) the other is the "replacement value", about $6500. This is what you use for insurance... You can get away with skimping a little.

    Now the Platnium level is really sweet This year my bosses got a Think Tank chimp cage and a Think Tank Glass Taxi. Emblazoned with CPS logo of course.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: In Praise of CPS

    Well it's not like it's a free level, you do pay $500 to have that level and you have to shell out for the twin premium bodies. I here the 7D may count so that would put me up to the level should I choose to pay...

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