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Thread: Another must read for anyone that uploads photos on flickr, etc!

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Another must read for anyone that uploads photos on flickr, etc!

    I was reading an article on how to find where your photos are online. So I tried the first and easiest suggestion. Upload the photo or copy the URL onto Google images and see what comes up.

    The first and only photo I have checked so far that I have on flickr was found on a Russian website along with 3 or 4 other photos of mine from flickr. But get this, not only did they take the photos but they put their logo on them! They also took one of another TDP member's but she is away for the weekend visiting family so I won't let her know until Monday.

    Here is the site that stole them ...

    Here is the article that tells you how you can check if your photos have been stolen ...

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dave Throgmartin's Avatar
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    None of my most viewed images on Flickr have been stolen. My pictures must suck! j/k...

    Sorry to hear that you've had some taken Denise. Is it mostly your dog photos that have been stolen or others too?


  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Throgmartin View Post
    None of my most viewed images on Flickr have been stolen. My pictures must suck! j/k...

    Sorry to hear that you've had some taken Denise. Is it mostly your dog photos that have been stolen or others too?

    I've only checked a few tonight using this method and so far, I have found a few flower photos also. I have gotten used to seeing people stealing them and putting them on tumblr but this goes beyond that with them putting their logo on them and then stating at the bottom of the page that if anyone wants to use "THEIR" photos, they are copyrighted and people must link their site!

    "©, 2010-2012 Portal about dogs, breed, training and photos.
    At a reprint of any materials or fragments direct link to our site is obligatory."

    What a joke!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dave Throgmartin's Avatar
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    You may want to add a watermark. Others do much more advanced watermarks, but I just use a simple program TSR Watermark Image that is free and can bulk process.


  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    I did make myself a watermark and was using it for awhile but these photos are from before I starting using it. I stopped applying it not too long ago but I most definitely will be applying it to all my photos again now that it has reached this extent.

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