OK guys,

I now have the money to be buying a couple more lenses but (same old, same old) I need help from all you out there (read: neuroanat, alexniedra, God, and everybody else). I am trying to cover as much ground as possible with as little money as possible.

I am looking to fill some gaps. The 70-200 II looked like a great choice because I get a fast telephoto for wildlife, portraits, sports, poorly lit venues, etc in one (albeit ginormous) lens. However, having nothing wider than 70mm didn't really seem like a swell idea. In my search for UWA lenses the Tokina 11-16mm dominated and at $570 with great IQ and L-like build it looked solid. Unfortunately the II and Tokina together would explode my budget bubble. Are there any ways I can cover wideangle and the fast telephoto-like-ness of the 70-200 for less? BTW the 17-55 is not really on the table here. Too long on the wide end and too short on the long end.

All and any suggestions are very much appreciated