So I finally got a chance to try out my 85 1.2 for the first time this weekend.

Here are my initial thoughts/findings:

1. At 1.2 the purpleish and green color fringe is unbelieveably high.

2. Its alittle long on a 1.6 body, but I knew that before buying.

3. Build quality is excellent.

4. Sharpness didnt blow me out of the water like I thought it would, primes are praised for being very sharp compared to zooms, but my 70-200 2.8 IS from initial tests is as sharp if not sharper.

5. It was noticable at larger apertures but it seems to focus in front.

Below is an example at shot with a 40D at 1.2 (thats why I bought it). It was processed in ACR and finished off in Photoshop. The blur is amazing to me. The fringe isnt too noticable in this example. I focues on his eye and didnt recompose, to me it seems like the grass and leaves right in front of his feet are sharper then his facial features.

Let me know your thoughts, I will post more later.




100% Crop at 1.2 Notice the purpleish color on the guitar
