I'm a newbie and was fortunate to get a 30D as a gift. (the previous owner upgraded and was really generous). I was directed to get a cheap prime to get started and decided to get the canon 50 1.8. Coming from a P&S, I love the pictures I'm getting of my baby girl.

I think I'm getting addicted and with thecurrent rebate,I'm debating about getting a new lens. Maybe the canon 17-55 IS. It sounds like a goodinvestment since I want touseit now to take pictures of thefamily indoors especially of my baby and later on when we start going to the zoo, park and beach. I think with time I would be able to grow into a lens of this caliber. I like the fact it has a constant f/stop and I could makeadjustments with the zoom to compose the picturewhile trying to get the baby. I have no desire to ever move up to a full frame camera, but maybe buy better lens as my needs grow. (i'm hoping those needs never grow into a full frame body).

My questions:

1. Will the indoor shots with low to minimal lightbecomparable or worst than my current 50 1.8?

2. Would the 17-40L be a better option and wouldI be able to shot with f/4 indoors without a flash (I prefer not to shoot with flash,I get a stunned look from thefamily and think I'm contributing tomy babybecoming blind)?

Any help would be appreciated. By the way, want to thank all of you for the info you've shared on the forum.