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Thread: One more look, please

  1. #1
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    One more look, please

    OK, I think I am finally done fine tuning my zenfolio website. I think I incorporated the changes suggested by those that responded and I added keywords, captions and titles to the photos. I also submitted the site to the big 3 search engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo), but I understand it will take time for thier crawlers to work. I also had to put the "about" section on the opening page because Zenfolio recommends discriptive text on this page for search engine services--Once the services can index the key words, I can remove this and just have it on it's own page.

    So I am asking all of you to take one more look and tell me what you think. I figure if it looks good to your discerning eyes, then it should look good to the general public.

    Here it is:

    Your time and comments are appreciated.


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: One more look, please

    Good work Bob! Beautiful images, I enjoyed looking through them.

  3. #3
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: One more look, please

    Thanks for looking Joel

  4. #4
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    Re: One more look, please

    Hi Bob -

    You have worked so incredibly hard on this website and I must say for the most part, your hard work and dedication has paid off! I really, really like it alot more now than a few days ago! The changes you have made are clear improvements!

    But ...

    I hope I am not the bearer of bad news but I think there may be a few glitches, I am not sure! I only took a quick look and did not go into all the galleries and hit the "buy" button, only the balloons & nighttime. When I go into the nighttime gallery and see the 6 photos and click "buy" there, a screen comes up that gives me a choice of prints, downloads, showcase and I get the same thing when I clicked on two different nighttime photos. When I go into balloons and see the 13 photos & click "buy", I do not get the same screen as in the nighttime gallery. Instead I get a screen that is pretty much asking me what quantity I want of each size. So from here, what if I entered (3) 4x5's, (3) 4x6's and (7) 5x7's, how would it know which photo I wanted in each size selected?? And what if I entered less than a total qty. of 13?

    Your site looks absolutely fantastic but I think you should go thru every link that you are providing and make sure it comes up as you planned for it to. I think every gallery should lead to the same options once you click on them and then on an idividual photo.

    I hope what I typed makes sense & doesn't sound too negative because believe me that is not how I intended for it to sound. When and if I ever get one up & running, with your permission, I would love to use your site as my model without making it too exact so I don't infringe on any copyright issues! Since my photos will never be as good as yours, I don't think we have anything to worry about there!! [:P]


  5. #5
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    Re: One more look, please


    [Y][Y] Well done from what I have seen

  6. #6
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: One more look, please

    Thanks for looking again Denise and offering valuable feedback.

    1. I limited the size selection for the "Balloons Gallery" because many of those shots were taken with my 400 D and Ijust don't think they would look good enlarged beyond 10X12. So the balllons actually have a different product list

    2. The price/product listing you see on the Gallery and Print pages are actually "featured" products but more is offered if you hit the buy button or the "all products" button---Not sure I like this yet, I too think it might be a little confusing.

    3. One thing that does concern me is that if you hit the buy button while on a gallery page, you will order one of everything---which would be great to feed my equipment habit, but I am not sure potential customers would be happy with it. However, once the purchase page comes up, this is very clear and very easy to delet those unwanted shots.

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    I hope what I typed makes sense & doesn't sound too negative

    Yes, It does makes perfect sense, and no, it doesn't sound negative at all, in fact it was very constructive and appreciated.

    So, I checked and everything is working as designed, now the question is "is the design correct? [^o)].

    Thanks again for the Look,



  7. #7
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: One more look, please

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk


    [img]/emoticons/emotion-21.gif[/img][img]/emoticons/emotion-21.gif[/img] Well done from what I have seen

    Thanks for the look andencouragement HD

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: One more look, please


  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: One more look, please

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Williams
    However, once the purchase page comes up, this is very clear and very easy to delet those unwanted shots.

    I didn't go that far, maybe I should have and I would have seen all is good!
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Williams
    So, I checked and everything is working as designed, now the question is "is the design correct?

    And the answer is yes, very much so!! You have really done an awesome job and it was great watching it all transpire!


  10. #10
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Central New Mexico

    Re: One more look, please

    Thanks Denise,

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    You have really done an awesome job and it was great watching it all transpire

    I am proud of it, But I have to give much of the credit to those who helped me, inlcuding you, other members of the TDP, my wife, and of course That poor Zenfolio Tech rep that I beat up with emails and stupid questions until wee hours of the morning (Literally)

    Thanks Again,


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