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Thread: How to keep your gear safe and steal-proof

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    How to keep your gear safe and steal-proof

    Hey all,

    I was looking for some advice on how to keep my gear safe and theft-proof. I have heard mixed opinions about this; Is it safe to keep your camera gear in the trunk of a car for a small period of time? My most recent purchase has been a Crumpler Backpack which is awesome and is fairly theft-proof. Does anybody have any other gear/technique suggestions to keep it all "in good hands"? (I've seen one too many Allstate commercials)....I feel like I'm caring for a child with all this gear [:S]

    All advice is appreciated.



  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: How to keep your gear safe and steal-proof

    How is this backpack theft-proof?

    Anyway, yes I have a good advice - don't leave it in the car!

  3. #3
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: How to keep your gear safe and steal-proof

    There's no such thing as 'theft-proof'. Insure your gear.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Re: How to keep your gear safe and steal-proof

    Quote Originally Posted by Oren

    How is this backpack theft-proof?

    Well, it's not exactly theft-proof, but it opens from the back panel (so nobody cab open the compartment from behind you) and looks nothing like a camera bag. It was highly recommended in the "looking for a discreet camera bag" thread.

    OK, that's good to know. Leave no gear behind [in the car]!

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Re: How to keep your gear safe and steal-proof

    I do agree there is nothing you can do to 100% stop a theif butI alsoagree with the choice in backpack style. I havea Lowepro version on this type were you can only access the pack from the area against your back. I haven't yethad much of a chance to test it but I did lend it tofriends who took it to Asia for a 3 weeks. They were thrilled withit. It was very comfartable but most importantly, given some of the very crowded situations, it was areliefknowing no one could get to anything very easily.

    You can'tstop theft 100% but you can do your best. I would also be ensuring your equipment.


  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Re: How to keep your gear safe and steal-proof

    Besides having inconspicuous looking storage, etc (not having flashy lenses help too...) I would actually recommend that you educate yourself a bit on the common techniques used by thieves (such as diversion, force diversion, etc...) I find that knowing how many pickpockets/would be thieves operate in the first place, that I am able to put my myself in a much better place not to be stolen from in the first place (remember, they go for easy targets, make yourself semi-difficult, and your chances are better at being ignored) That being said, the best advice I can give is "Out of sight, out of mind" - If your camera gear falls into this category, sooner or later its probably going to walk off.

    Some excellent resources would be youtube (search: pickpocket techniques), or if your really into how the pro's do it, check out "The Real Hustle" on the BBC (I think you can netflix it if yousubscribeto that service, or perhaps watch parts of it on youtube)

    Again, the more you know about what they know, the better off you are

    - G

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