Had a talk to my Nikon friend (yes some are friendly) and explained i had began to take pics of wildlife and macro stuff but found the 1DS a bit short of reach for getting close up of birds. He said 'why dont you sell the 1DS3 and buy a 5D2 and 7D. I know this is a nice position to be in but im giving it serious consideration. Yes i will get a 7D but to sell the 1DS3? Financially its a sensible move but......

The 1DS gives me excellent images. Its very very well built, i can shoot and have done in rain, snow, ice, wind and its never let me down. It handles great, and the image quality is excellent. Only time i have a problem is perhaps indoors in a badly lit museum say, that ont allow flash or tripod so i have to go high on the ISO. Only then at ISO 1000 plus do i get a noise problem which is easily corrected in post processing. When matched to L glass its just great. Has struggled in autofocus only on a couple of occassions in low light wheni had the 1x4 converter on. Oh, and it looks cool too.

So, do i got with my head, sell my beloved camera and buy the other two so covering all my needs or is it more dept i really dont want for the crop sensor? Help.

Oh, i dont need video for anything other than my grandchild.