We have a group that works in my company who shoot small project videos from time to time. They are mostly interview style clips that they cut together with location clips with some voice-over work. In the past month, they've been doing a lot of video work with their brand new 7D, which has pulled me into some of their projects, as I'm familiar with Canon DSLR in-camera controls (albeit for shooting handheld home videos).

In the past, they've always used the studio that conveniently neighbors our office for the interviews. They borrow the space and a 2 light setup with a white backdrop. They've recently been given the assignment to do an interview on-location, which they've never done. Their biggest concern right now is lighting. They've asked me to help them find a quality portable lighting setup that won't involve a lot of setup time.

After a little bit of research, I'm not sure they can get everything they want for less than $1,000. Has anyone had experience with on-location video lighting?

Thanks in advance,