I posted a thread about ND filters a few days ago, and of course the square drop in filters were mentioned. This got me researching the different brands and I think I am going to go ahead and try to get a system.

I am leaving in two weeks so I need to get somthing ordered now if I want it in time.

The dilemma is that you can't get a Cokin holder. I looked at Lee and its the same.

I found this available but it seems to be over kill to just get a holder. The holder is alone is less than $100 bucks. Would the Matte Box really be any help for Landscape?


So for landscape work what is the best way to head?

The one I posted has the Z Holder. Cokin has the X holder but would it be any advantage for Full Frame. Widest lens I have now is the 16-35mm, someday I may buy the 14mm L.

Is thereholder brand out that would perform as well? Would the actual filters from one manufacture work fine between the different manufactures? it looks to me that some of Cokin's filters might be thicker than would be allowed in some off brand models.

Thanks for the Input