Hey everyone, Im looking at possibly purchasing a 400mm lens. Im currently leaning towards the 400 5.6, instead of one of the other options (400 DO, 400 2.8, 100-400). The two that are in my price range are the 400 5.6 and the 100-400. So my question is I would like some input from those who own this lens on how fast it will focus. Im looking at using it for outdoor sports as well as some nature photography. I currently own the 70-200 2.8 IS so the versatility of the 100-400 is not a big concern for me, as well as the lack of image stabilizer, because the monopod although not as versitial has worked pretty well for me in "hand holding' large lenses.

Ok no more ramblings from me, if you have the 400 5.6 and could lend a hand great! If you have it and the 70-200 2.8 and can compare the focus speeds for me even better, hey if you have the 100-400 and think it focus's pretty fast let me know, maybe I will rethink that as an option.

thanks once again.


oh one last thing its going to be used mainly on a 40D.