
I have been shooting for several years now with an old RebelXT. The primary lens I use is the 70-200 2.8 IS. I mostly shoot indoor and outdoor sports and activities and family pictures. Indoor is frequently in low/lower available light which means I have to shoot at 800 or 1600 to stop the action with my XT. At 1600 the shots are not very good.

I NEED an upgrade!! so now for the question; With prices on good used 1D Mark II N's dropping close to the range of a 50D it seems like I might get much better results with a II N vs something like a 50D or a 40D. I can afford the added cost of a good used II N but the new Mark III is out of my price range. I want a fast burst rate to capture action shots.

What I care about;

Getting good sharp high quality shots, don't mind post processing.

What I don't care about;


Thanks in advance!!