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Thread: Torn between EF & EF-S Lens choices

  1. #1

    Torn between EF & EF-S Lens choices

    I have a 5DMKII and a 7D.

    I shoot mostly Surfing, Landscape, night shots and lots of different "action" shots. The 7D will be used for sports while the 5DMKII is used for landscape and other "fixed" scenes.

    I cant decide on the Canon 16-35 L or the Canon 10-22EF-S (for the 7D only).

    The 7D will be in a water housing while shooting surfing shots.

    What lens choices would be best for both cameras with all that I shoot?

    I had the 10-22 EF-S before and sold it with a 20D. I thought it was really crisp at focusing but didint too much care for the distortion around the edges. It was a great lens as long as my Surfing subject was within 10-15' away ... anything farther andevery shot needed to be cropped in order to be useful.

    Am I wrong for considering the 16-35 L for my desires?

    Confused and thankful for anyones input on other possibilties. [*-)]

    p.s. ..... 7D's video will be used in the water housing also.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Torn between EF & EF-S Lens choices

    If you've already got a full frame camera, I would most definitely suggest a 16-35, unless you're looking to get the equivalent wide angle on the 7D for size/weight considerations.

  3. #3

    Re: Torn between EF & EF-S Lens choices

    As Colin said, since you have a full frame camera, I definitely suggest you get the 16-35 L. If you want a wide angle to shoot landscapes, the 5DMKII with a 16-35 L will be a much better option than the 7D with a 10-22.


  4. #4

    Re: Torn between EF & EF-S Lens choices

    My desire is to have a lens that works with the 7D as well as the mkII ..... similar in width as the 10-22 but with just a little more reach.

    75% of the time, when shooting Surfers while in the water with a housing, they were too far away and didnt fill the frame.

    What is the 16-35 L equal to on the 7D's sensor?

    Are there other options within that range that can be used on both bodies?

    Thanks, y'all

  5. #5

    Re: Torn between EF & EF-S Lens choices

    The 16-35 equals approximately 26-56mm on the 7D's sensor.

    So are you looking for a lens mostly for shooting surfers with your 7D? But you want that lens to be used on your 5DMKII sometimes too? If you want more reach on your 7D but still want wide angle on your 5DMKII, another option to consider would be the 24-70 f/2.8L or the 24-105 f/4L IS. 24mm is quite wide on the full frame, and 70-105mm may be enough reach for your uses on the 7D.

    What lenses do you currently use? What focal lengths do you use most?


  6. #6
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    Re: Torn between EF & EF-S Lens choices

    I wouldn't get a lens that doesn work on half of my camera []. Therefore I'd go with the 16-35. 16-35 on fullframe is extremely wide, and on a 1.6x it works as a really nice walk-around zoom.

  7. #7
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    Re: Torn between EF & EF-S Lens choices

    Quote Originally Posted by Bombsight
    My desire is to have a lens that works with the 7D as well as the mkII

    Then you've answered your own question The EF-S lens is out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bombsight
    similar in width as the 10-22 but with just a little more reach

    Isn't that the 16-35? It has pretty much the same width on the 5DII as the 10-22 has on the 7D, and on the 7D it has more reach than the 10-22.

    Now if you want a lens that will do all that on both cameras, you would need something like a full frame 10-35 zoom. I don't think you'll find such a thing (closest I know of would be a sigma 12-24, but I don't think it is what you want), and even if you do you'll most likely pay dearly in dollars and/or iq for the full frame superwideness.

    If you are willing to give up a little width for the reach (and I would think for pictures of surfers, you would want a lot of reach... more even than you are considering), then I agree with Derrik's suggestion that you consider the 24-70 (or even 24-105 f/4 IS).

  8. #8
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    Queens, NY

    Re: Torn between EF & EF-S Lens choices

    If you don'tneed very wide apertures, youcan get both EF-S 16-22 and EF 17-40 f/4L for less than you would spend on 16-35 2.8L.Just a thought.

  9. #9

    Re: Torn between EF & EF-S Lens choices

    Gotta have the fast glass! Speed seems to be what is limiting me with my choices. ...... A lot of shots of Surfing are early in the morning or late in the evening .... plus I think the speed of the lens is best for video on the 7D. Need the speed with the 5DMKII when doing landscape also .... late or early with sunrise' and sunsets.

    I have the 24-105. Its ideal except for two things.

    1. If surfers are REALLY close to me (inside of 10'), the wide end of it, on the 7D, would be a little tight ....

    2. I need something faster than F/4

    I guess I have answered my own question ..... sometimes one just needs to hear it from everyone else. 16-35 L it is.

    Thanks again, y'all. If anyone still thinks of or knows of a fast lens, wide (24mm or wider) and sharp .... with abig reachis out there ... lemme know.

  10. #10

    Re: Torn between EF & EF-S Lens choices

    I think the 16-35 L is all there is if you want f/2.8, under 24mm, and full frame + crop compatibility. Looks like that's the best choice for you, especially since you already have the 24-105.


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